Implant Dentistry

Dentistry is a branch of medical sciences that involves all the problems regarding oral cavity. Now the branch of it that looks after tooth and tooth replacement is known as implant dentistry. It fixes missing teeth or, teeth that are not placed rightly or, not looking good with new implantable set of teeth. It gives you a great smile that you haven’t possessed ever before. Use of dental implants is essential for implant dentistry as it is totally depends upon it. This is the most successful branch of dental implant as it has a success rate of almost 99.9% and it gives a lot of benefits to the patient such as it gives long-lasting relief, you can do almost every natural things that you may do with your normal teeth and so on. The worse thing about implant dentistry is that in most of the cases it is very painful and takes a very long time to heal up. This is something which should not be a part of such a beneficial thing. However there are derivatives of this too, where less pain and less time are required, but the results are the same.

Dental implant is very flexible process and can easily be used with dental bridges and even with dentures. Implant dentistry creates a secured fit to your teeth and as the implants used in it is made up of titanium, it is very much like your own teeth, i.e. as tough as your actual teeth are. With the increase in number of dental implant provider, and also with the increase in various dental implant procedures, the cost of implant dentistry has lowered significantly in last few years. In fact the less the time taken by a total dental implant followed by restoration, the less will be the money needed for it. The best thing about implant dentistry is that one can easily use this process to fix their dental problems like – badly shaped teeth, uneven teeth and so on. This is something which is really beneficial for all. One thing is to be remembered well, and that is one should watch out for expert opinion to get the maximum out of implant dentistry and also need to go through some detailed pre-planning before the implant surgery occurs.

Now, implant dentistry is a very beneficial procedure and can be opted by all age groups. Depending upon the implant used it is of two types, one is the mini dental implant using a dental implant of less than 3 millimeter of diameter and which creates the minimum pain at the time of the surgery and takes only one hour to complete and requires no healing time and another is the conventional dental implant procedure where a implant of diameter more than 4.5 millimeter is used. It is more painful than the previous one, but more authentic and more durable. It is up to the patient’s condition and health issues, how much pain he or, she can bear and what actually he or, she wants. Implant dentistry is something that implant such teeth that reduces your pain during eating heat or, cold and also gives you a smile that you worth.